Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I'm A Whipcracker!

Yes folks. It's official. Someone actually wants me to crack a whip over people's heads. Ok. As much as I would like to be a literal statement, a figure of speech will have to suffice.

I've been hired to be an Asst. Manager! Yay. Me? A Boss, you say? Can't be true!

It is. hehe.

What's the catch? *ahem* yeah, ok. You got me there. It's not a fancy office position or anything. It's a new store opening up down the street (a couple doors down from my daycare). Yeah, it's a Cinnabon/Carvel store. You may commence with the laughter now.

It's paying a dollar less an hour than we need to get caught up... but hopefully there will be raises soon, and I have a couple potential website contracts across the street.

Anyways... tata for now. I start Monday. Time to scramble for daycare. *enter sarcastic "weee" here*

Happy 4th

Ok. Like everyone else, here's my Happy 4th of July, Happy Independance Day, happy red white & blue day, happy stars and stripes day.... etc. ad nauseum. You get the idea.

We'll be launching some of last year's leftover fireworks. Baby's decked out in her white dress with red and blue stars. We may go across the street where we were invited to their BBQ.

I may even get some website business out of them too! (YAY)

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now.

Oh, and I got my IMVU account back. YIPPIE.